Paula Hrbacek’s Review

“The Be Good Fairy” is a new book that helps parents teach their children to embrace independent daily tasks as they mature. The stories in the book inspire children to practice good behavior through the positive reinforcement. Some of the subjects include potty training, going to bed, behaving at school, sharing, and much more.

“The Be Good Fairy” is available in a beautifully illustrated hard back book, as an e-book in both English and Spanish, and comes with their very own “been good” door hanger in the back of the book. A journal gives children a place to write down what they’ve done to earn rewards, share their favorite memories, and has spaces to draw what the Fairy leaves them as rewards.

“The Be Good Fairy helped discipline and growth become a fun and positive experience for our entire family,” says the author, Missy Wallen-Nichols, who drew inspiration for the book from her own experiences as a mother.

The book has received positive reviews from doctors and mothers.

“The Be Good Fairy is a fun and magical way to recognize young children’s good behaviors and to give them the positive attention and encouragement they need to keep being good,” says Dr. Caroline Sherril – PhD Clinical Psychology.

“The Be Good Fairy is beautifully illustrated and well executed. My daughter immediately fell in love with The Be Good Fairy and really works at doing things to please both her mom, me, and the Fairy! A must get for parents of toddlers!” writes LUCY1216 on Amazon.


My inspiration…

My inspiration for writing this book came from being a parent and the need for finding a concept that helped me teach my son to persevere and conquer the day to day challenges that come with growing up. For me, it was getting my son to go to bed, and once I introduced him to The Be Good Fairy, he was literally throwing us out of his room at bed time! It is a great tool for everything from potty training, behaving, doing well at school, and any issue that challenges your child.  By introducing The Be Good Fairy into your lives it will not only help eliminate stressful situations, but actually make them fun! And as we seem to have less and less time with our kids,  isn’t it every parents dream to spend more quality time with their child, and less debating and coaxing them to behave? The Be Good Fairy is great for any child that is still in the stage of believing in the concept of Santa and the Tooth Fairy. I encourage you all to check it out, and if you are on Facebook or Twitter, PLEASE like or follow us and share it with your friends and followers. Even if your children are grown, please help me get the word out to parents and grandparents of younger children so that they too can benefit from the positive impact of The Be Good Fairy. Thank you so much for your support. Have a great day!

Many Thanks!!!!

Missy Wallen-Nichols

Can you imagine?

  • Your child racing to the potty without being coaxed.
  • Your child shoving you out the door to go to bed on time.
  • Your child running to greet you at school or daycare to tell you how well they behaved that day.

This is all possible with the help of The Be Good Fairy.